
Low Energy and Excess Weight Gain

Limiting Your  Potential?

Welcome to the Fuel Your Ambition Program


Schedule a free consultation

The Elite Executive Health Optimization Formula

My proven system is designed specifically for busy leaders like you who refuse to let low energy and excess weight limit their success. In just 45 days, you'll experience:

  • Double your energy levels, waking up refreshed and attacking each day with renewed vitality
  • Shed unwanted pounds effortlessly, without sacrificing your favorite foods or social events
  • Reclaim your mental clarity and focus, making strategic decisions with greater ease and agility
  • Exude the confidence and executive presence that commands respect in the boardroom and beyond
Get started here!

Set up a quick 15 minute consult with Tess to see if this is right for you.

Please select a time in the calendar link below. 

This is just a discovery call, no commitment or pressure! 

Schedule your time here

Your Personalized Optimization Package:

  • Comprehensive in-office health assessment (for executives in Mexico City) with INBODY body composition Analysis and Nutritional Deficiency Assessment ($3,500 MXN value)
  • Customized nutrition plan tailored to your unique body type and lifestyle ($5,000 MXN value)
  • Done-for-you meal prep guide to streamline your new eating habits ($6000 MXN value)
  • 6-week supply of premium-grade supplements and performance optimizers, delivered directly to your door ($10,000 MXN value)
  • Weekly 1-on-1 VIP accountability coaching to keep you on track ($12,000 MXN value)

Cost: $20,000 MXN Pesos

Coaching available in English or Spanish

Trusted by Top Executives Across Mexico City

Oscar, Former Executive at Pharmaceutical Company

After two decades in an executive role, I noticed my cognitive sharpness waning. I turned to Tess with concerns about my brain health. In just a few sessions, she illuminated how my glucose levels were impacting inflammation and guided me on better brain nutrition. The difference was remarkable. After working with Tess, I'm in a better mood and when out of the blue I get grumpy, I can identify what is causing it. It usually has to do with sugar spikes, thank you Tess for showing me how to live a better life!


Luis, CEO and Founder of Energy Renewal Company

The biohacking coaching with Tess has helped me understand on a fundamental level de implications of not having my glucose regulated. Based in real data from the actual glucose spikes my blood was experiencing from my regular mostly vegan diet, I realized I was on my way of pre diabetes (present in my family hystory). Tess was able to work with me on a personalized diet considering my lifestyle and workout intensity. I gradually came back to healthy/organic animal protein and included some snacks, lifehacks and suplements that allowed me to feel energetic throughout my day, increase mind clarity, rise up my testosterone level and in general feel at my strongest.

Executive at Pepsi

I came to Tess wanting to improve my overall health. I had been working out consistently but I felt I hit a huge road block that I couldn’t break through. After just 1 month of working with Tess I was able to lose 2% of my body fat and completely understand the piece that I was missing which was my glucose levels. It was a game changing process for my energy, body composition and longevity.

Set up a free consult with Tess

45 Day Formula to Peak Performance


Data-Driven Analysis

We start by uncovering your unique metabolic blueprint using advanced assessment tools like continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and wearable trackers. A comprehensive nutritional symptom analysis will further personalize your plan.


Personalized Optimization

Based on your data and goals, we develop a tailored biohacking protocol that optimizes your nutrition, sleep, stress management, and daily routines. Biohacked supplement recommendations support your unique needs.


Expert Coaching and Accountability

In weekly one-on-one coaching sessions, you'll work directly with Tess, a Functional Nutrition Practitioner and Biohacking Health Coach, to implement your personalized plan, troubleshoot challenges, and stay accountable to your goals.

Why continue to feel like you are not reaching your full potential?

Don't wait any more.

Set up a quick call with me to find out more and get started.

Schedule a free consultation